Chef Workstation
Chef Workstation installs everything you need to get started using Chef on Windows, Mac and Linux; and is currently focused around performing ad-hoc tasks on your server.
## Getting Started
1. Download Chef Workstation
* [Download Chef Workstation for Mac](
* [Download Chef Workstation for Windows](
* [Download Chef Workstation for Debian](
* [Download Chef Workstation for Enterprise Linux](
***Note:*** These links are internal and require Chef VPN.
2. Double-click the `.dmg` or `.msi` file to start the install process. Or install
the Linux package for your platform.
3. Open a command-line terminal, and try out some chef-cli commands
`chef target converge <Target host|IP|SSH|WinRM> <Resource> <Resource Name> [properties] [flags]`
`chef target converge user@hostname user timmy`
`chef target converge winrm://user@hostname:port user timmy`
## Building Chef-Workstation Packages
We use Omnibus to describe our packaging. Please review [chef-workstation/omnibus/README.MD]( for further details.
## Questions or concerns?
Please join us in the *#chef-workstation* channel on Slack!
## Copyright and License
Copyright 2008-2018, Chef Software, Inc.
**Note:** We are currently not open source. The plan is to make Chef Workstation open source at some point in the future.